Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Weird List About Me

I found this on Facebook and it looks interesting. Plus, I don't want to work...

Use the first letter of your name to answer each of the following questions. They have to be real. . .nothing made up!

1. What is your name: Tim
2. A four Letter Word: Time
3. A boy's Name: Theo
4. A girl's Name: Trina
5. An occupation: Telemarketer (oh how I hate them)
6. A color: Tan
7. Something you wear: Tie
8. A food: Tiramisu
9. Something found in the bathroom: Tiles
10. A place: Timbuktu
11. A reason for being late: Traffic
12. Something you shout: Time Out!
13. A movie title: The Day After Tomorrow
14. Something you drink: Tea
15. A musical group: Ten Shekel Shirt
16. An animal: Trout
17. A street name: Third
18. A type of car: Toyota or Torrent
19. Something scary: Tina Turner (two "T"'s)
20. Ice cream flavor: Toffee Crunch

Okay, that was fun. Back to work!


  1. Movie titles that start w/ the word "the" should not count for this list.

  2. Ah, but it's my list and I say they do, so choke on that one!
